(coming soon)

Adding Clean App badge code into your theme is a one-time activity that once done you do not have to worry about later. If you are not comfortable adding the code simply raise a support ticket hereor email us at support@thaliaapps.freshdesk.com and we will take care of it. 


  1. Go to your Shopify admin.
  2. Click Online Store > Themes > Actions.

3. Click 'Edit Code'. 

4. Click the file 
product-template.liquid which appears under Sections. 

5. The product-template.liquid file will open in the online code editor. Add the following code where you'd like the highlights to show on your product detail pages:  

{% render 'cleanb', product: product, hideAssets: '0', cleanbGroup: '1', cleanbOuterClass: '', cleanbInnerClass: 'clean-d-inline-block clean-mb-1' %}

In most cases, locate the lines {% capture "form_classes" -%} OR {% form 'product', and place the code in a line above. 

This will display the badges below the product title and pricing. You can place the installation code anywhere else depending on your requirements.

Note: The actual file and the line where you insert the code will differ as per the installed theme.

If you have problems with the installation or want to change the location of the highlight box, please raise a support ticket here or email us at support@thaliaapps.freshdesk.com and we will take care of it.