Rounding off to a specific end price is a pricing strategy that helps to create more appealing prices for customers. It can make the prices look cleaner or more attractive. The Bolt Bulk Editor app can be used to round off the prices for both, the decimal digits as well as the integral digits before the decimal point.


Say the current price of a product is $45.67. Now, you want to increase the price by 5% and end the price with a specific number.

1. End with .00 cents

The current price will increase by 5%, so $45.67 + 5% = $47.95

Rounding off cents to .00 we have 2 options: $47.00 OR $48.00

Since $48 is closer to $47.95, the app will update the price to $48.00

2. End with 0.00 

The current price will increase by 5%, so $45.67 + 5% = $47.95

Rounding off cents to 0.00 we have 2 options: $40.00 OR $50.00

Since $50 is closer to $47.95, the app will update the price to $50.00

3. End with 00.90

Say the current price of a product is $5645.88. Now, you want to increase the price by 5% and end the price with a specific number.

The current price will increase by 5%, so $5645.88 + 5% = $5928.17

Rounding off cents to 00.90 we have 2 options: $5900.90 OR $6000.90

Since $5900 is closer to $5928.17, the app will update the price to $5900.90

4. End with 00.00

The current price will increase by 5%, so $5645.88 + 5% = $5928.17

Rounding off cents to 00.90 we have 2 options: $5900 OR $6000

Since $5900 is closer to $5928.17, the app will update the price to $5900.00